Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Unexpected Attraction to The Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG

When I first heard about the new Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG my initial reaction was one of indifference.  I assumed that this new game would be another in a long line of OSR retro-clones of D&D.  OSRIC was my preferred "old-school" game and I didn't see any need to look for anything different.  For some odd reason, my attention kept drifting back to the Goodman Games web site where I watched the progress of DCC from playtest to pre-order.  To say I'm glad that things happened this way would be an injustice.

I think what really caused my attention for DCC to spark was the artwork. To put it simply, it's evocative.  I'd be lying if I said that all of the art was of a style that normally would be a favorite of mine.  That seems to matter little when I consider what it evokes in me as I see it.  It definitely helps me to recall what D&D was like for me back in 1980 when I first picked up the oddly-shaped dice and tossed them across the table.  So, like in the beginnings of many human relationships, I was initially hooked by physical appearances.

The art got the book (or should I say PDF) into my hands and my attraction began to deepen as I delved into the massive 471 page tome.  As I began to understand Mr. Goodman's purpose of creating a game inspired by the fiction of the 1st Edition DMG's Appendix N, I realized that this would be a different game than the rest of the OSR pack.  This approach strikes me as new, original, and genuinely inspired.

From there I continue to find things that I really, really like.  The classes all seem to have good reasons for players to want to play them.  Standing out for me are warriors and their "Mighty Deeds of Arms".  The semi-Vancian magic system for wizards shines forth from the pages.  The simple systems for combat, experience, and skills all fit with a game that hearkens back to the early days of the hobby.  I've not even touched on the 0-level character idea sure to produce a memorable first session of a campaign.

So where I am now is a long way from where I started regarding the DCC RPG. Now, I am more excited about starting this campaign than I have been for any other in a long span of time.  Next week, I'll be happily shoving characters through my 0-level, meat-grinder of a funnel...look here for all the gory details.


  1. What? You used the word campaign before you even started? Doomed I tell you, doomed. Lol

    1. You act as if you've played in one of my "campaigns" before. ;)

  2. This game fascinates me as well. I've been debating picking up a copy

    1. If you're a fan of "old-school" games at all, I'd recommend it. They give it a good twist, making it much more than just a retro-clone of D&D.
